Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Halloween Time at Disneyland

Yesterday Chris and I made an impromptu trip to Disneyland. They've just started their Halloween season and we wanted to see all the decorations. So, as soon as we got home from work we situated the pup and made our way through typical Monday afternoon traffic across six (!!!) freeways to Anaheim (and yes, it is the shortest route – it takes us about 40 minutes with no traffic).

I hadn’t had breakfast or lunch so I was starving! As soon as we passed through the gates I was on a direct path toward food. We had dinner at the newly renovated Carnation Café on Main Street. I had the Baked Potato Soup (no sour cream!) and some French fries (my body was craving carbs) and Chris ordered the Buttermilk Fried Chicken Breast served with Mashed Potatoes, Milk Gravy, and Edamame-Succotash.

We wandered around for a little while, though Adventureland *heads up to those visiting the parks soon, Indiana Jones is closed for refurbishment until December 8th*, over to the Haunted Mansion which is decorated for the Halloween/Christmas season with the “A Nightmare Before Christmas” theme.  It was a little too crowded and still light out (best time to see the mansion is at night), so we kept wandering…

Dia de los Muertos in Frontierland
Splash Mountain in the distance behind the Rivers of America
…and we ended up in front of the castle…

"Oh hai. I'm chillin' by the castle."
…and into Fantasyland. The “Soundsational” parade  was going on and there was no line for the Mad Tea Party teacups, so we hopped on.

The parade was still going on when the ride was over and we got in the short line for the Alice in Wonderland attraction.

The parade was STILL going on afterward, so we watched the tail end of it before continuing our “wandering”.
Chimney Sweeps!
It was getting dark and therefore we made our way back toward New Orleans Square via Frontierland to snap some pictures ofthe “Halloween Tree”. The “Halloween Tree” pays homage to the book, The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury, who has a connection to the Jones side of our family. 

Finally it was time for the Haunted Mansion! The wait time wasn’t too bad, maybe 20-30 minutes (more on this later), and we were soon back in the “A Nightmare Before Christmas” we’ve missed since last holiday season.

The park closed at 9:00pm last night which was fine with us (it’s still a work night!). I made a quick stop at the Gipson Girl Ice Cream Parlor on Main Street, and another stop in front of the Mickey pumpkin for a picture before heading home.

Disneyland also changes Space Mountain for Halloween into Ghost Galaxy at Space Mountain  but Chris and I think it’s kind of…meh. Check out the link to see more of what it’s about. The line for this ride is always long (in my personal encounters) and it’s not worth it. Speaking of lines and wait times, a lot of you may know that Chris and I have been active with a Disney community called MouseWait. If you have a smartphone and ever visit the Disney parks (Disneyland and/or Walt Disney World), I STRONGLY encourage you to download the free app, MouseWait. It has wait times, menus, and tons of other resources (because of MouseWait, I saw that Jack Black and Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters were both there last night) to use to get the most out of the parks. It also has a Lounge (which is sort of a chat room), and that’s where we’ve made a lot of friends. I don’t think we’ve gone to the park and not spotted someone we know [note: I saw Jen Culin with some of her friends, and Big D and Katie with their family – “Hiii!”] So anyway, that’s sometimes how Chris and I decide if we want to venture to Anaheim – we open our app and look at the wait times.

Screenshot of Disneyland wait times using the MouseWait app
We were home just in time to hop into bed and tune into our usual ten o’clock “American Dad!” show :P

Oh, and another funny thing – on the tram ride back to the car, I was looking through Facebook and saw that my mom and Kelly were also at Disneyland and they ate at Carnation Café too! I had no clue they were there, we hadn’t “checked” ourselves in on Facebook (it was date night) so I wasn't notified! It’s a small world after all…

From Mom's Facebook - Kelly in front of the "Halloween Tree"


  1. Hiiiiiii!!! Did you really see us pushing Lil D in her wheel chair??? LoL <3 your blog!

    1. Hey hey hey! Thanks! And yep, we saw you guys wheeling down Main St toward the exit :) We were walking the other way and there were people waiting for the parade blocking us from you...but we saw you! You guys looked good and happy!
