Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Movie Mania + more


Chris' second most anticipated film of year, "The Dark Knight Rises", came out this past weekend (in case you've been living under a rock) and we purchased advanced tickets for Saturday morning at our nearby ArcLight Cinemas. If you live in the Los Angeles area I highly recommend seeing your movies at an ArcLight. They have reserved seating, extra wide comfy chairs, you have a "host" who introduces the movie before it starts and makes sure the film projection is up to their standards, and they serve caramel corn. Yum.
Reserved seating = Getting a seat you really want (I like to sit behind the handicapped section so I can put my feet up)
Plus I have a higher than normal aversion to idiots in movie theaters and ArcLight really does try to curb those numb skulls...
Anyway, I really loved the movie. I thought Christopher Nolan did an excellent job of ending his trilogy. Yes, it was long and they could've shorten up a few of the scenes, but overall I thought it was a great, dramatic movie. Tom Hardy's Bane was a good villain, even with his semi-Sean Connery accent. I won't spoil anything but I have to say that I did shed a tear (and so did Chris!), but I left with a smile.

On a darker note, Chris and I would both like to offer our condolences and prayers to those affected by the Aurora tragedy. I mentioned this same thought on my Facebook, but I'll say it again: it's such a shame, and it's so scary to think that this happened to innocent people, people who were excited to see TDKR just like us! I hope justice is served quickly and that insane killer is either put away for life or given the death penalty (if Colorado has the death sentence). My mom was worried about us going to the movies so quickly after the incident. I told her that we can't live in fear - we have to have constant vigilance (thank you Mad-Eye Moody) to be aware of our surroundings, but we can't be frightened to live our lives. I've also just seen that Christian Bale is in Aurora visiting the victims of the shooting. I think that is such a nice gesture, and the right thing to do, not only on his part, but I'm sure on the studios part since I'm sure they had a say in it as well.
After the movie, we had a quick bite at Five Guys (way better than In-N-Out in my opinion) and went home to play with the pup for a few hours before our evening excursion.

Saturday Night

We received some movie screening passes for the upcoming Ben Stiller movie, "The Watch" over at the nearby Fox Studios. Even though Chris and I have both lived in southern California for all of our lives (except for that one year we lived in Las Vegas), we both still get star struck and are fascinated by Hollywood and the movie/television industry. So a chance to visit the Fox Studios lot and see a free movie? We're in! Chris and I have been to a few movie screenings before, it's usually just a lot of waiting in line, seeing a sometimes unfinished (aesthetically) movie, and then filling out a questionnaire at the end. This time was a little different. Yes, we had to wait in a line, but they showed the film in a tiny studio theater that only held 100-120 people, it felt like we were watching a movie in someone's mansion's screening room, and we didn't have to fill out a questionnaire. Plus there were a bunch of studio peeps in there watching it as well. Oh! and a creepy-creeperson kid who was filming the audience the whole time...We're not allowed to say anything about the film, but I'll say that I loved it - it was so funny! Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller are their usual funny characters, and in my opinion, nailed it. Fox Studios is only a few miles from our place, but we've never been over to that area before. To get there we drove through a neighborhood called Cheviot Hills, aka Chrissy's new dream neighborhood. If you watch "Modern Family" the Dunphy's house is in Cheviot Hills. We weren't allowed to bring our iPhones with us (awww), but Chris took some pics while we were still in the car:
Promo for the movie outside the entrance of the studio
Fox's "New York" street
Julie Andrews welcomes you to the parking garage
Map of the lot
Two movies at two different theaters in one day was a definite first!


Sunday was chill for us, our main event of the day was Chris' brother Adam's engagement party in Thousand Oaks. Adam and his fiance Haley held their party at their new house up there in the late afternoon. Driving up there the temperature soared to the triple digits in our old area, Woodland Hills. Back home it was in the low 70s! Everyone knows I am not a hot weather person! I don't know how I lived in Vegas for one year and the Valley for three!! LOL! Thousand Oaks is a little cooler than the Valley and Adam/Haley's home was really nice. We got to meet a lot of family from Haley's side of the family. From the Gallis side of the group there was his mom and dad, Joy and her boyfriend Chris, the Stevens', and the Yanaga's. For some reason we didn't take any pictures while we were there, but Haley is going to try to send me the group shot someone took - so I'll try to post that here if I get it! They're not getting married until next July, so I'm sure I'll be posting about more events in the future!

We're going to try to visit the OC Fair this weekend and we may have another excursion of sorts during the week...
xx, Chrissy

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