Tuesday, October 23, 2012

San Juan Capistrano

El Adobe de Capistrano

Katy has a friend, also named Katie, who works at a Mexican restaurant in San Juan Capistrano called El Adobe de Capistrano. I think I've been there maybe once before when I was pretty young. It's off of Ortega Highway near the mission on that main drag. The restaurant is pretty well known for having President Nixon and his wife visit...and also because it is haunted! Oh yeah, and if you watch "The Real Housewives of Orange County", last season's 80s Bunco Party episode where Vicki went postal in Gretchen's face was filmed there ;)

President + Mrs. Nixon's chairs they sat in when they would visit

El Adobe used to be a couple of homes, a hospital, and also used to house the Juzgado (courts and jails) back in 1812. Katie gave us a tour down into the wine cellar, which used to be the jail. You can reserve the table down there to have your meal and dine with spirits (alcoholic varieties and undead as well). We didn't see any ghosts, but it was pretty creepy down there - low ceiling, no windows, and it's tucked away from the rest of the restaurant. I can't wait to eat in there!

Then Katie brought us back up to the front room that's off to the left as soon as you enter El Adobe. She told us a couple of stories about sightings of an older Hispanic woman. A medium was once brought in and reported that the woman is friendly, but sad. She mainly stays in the front room because it used to be a part of her house. Katie then showed us the chair she is usually spotted in; Chris sat in it but we didn't see or feel anything.

Old Barn Antique Mall

Next stop was across the street to the Antique Mall. Chris and I have purchased a few of our more "creepy" items we have at home from the massive place.

Dad being "covert like"
During this trip we were unsuccessful with finding anything of real interest to us. Mom and Dad found some glasses and bottles though. It was pretty warm that day and I was sweating - the Mall doesn't have air conditioning and it makes it hard to want to stay and look through the bajillions of "antiques" in the hundreds of booths they have.

I did have a good moment though...back in high school I always had this one substitute teacher, Mrs. Shostrom (and I'm sure I'm not spelling it correctly!), she was an excellent teacher (I wish I had her as a permanent teacher at El Toro) and I have it stored in my memory that she owns a couple of booths in the Mall. I hadn't seen her in quite a few years, but I saw her during this trip! She doesn't remember me (it's been 10+ years and Lord knows how many students), but I said hi to her and chit-chatted for a couple of minutes. That's really made my day :)
Then it was off to Starbucks to lounge in the air conditioning for a few moments before heading back home.

And of course, Disneyland

Our trips to Disneyland have slowed as of late. I think the last time we were there was the night before our trip to SJC because Katy was at the Disneyland Hotel for the Mobility 21 Summit that our company was exhibiting at. Katy's pass has long since expired but because she was exhibiting, she got a free half day pass to the parks. And because this may be the only time that we could all be inside Disneyland together as a family, Mom wanted to take our Christmas photos...in September. I have no clue if we're going to actually use any of the pictures Dad took of us over in Cars Land, but whatever...
Tip: Do NOT try the pickle flavored popcorn...bleh!!!
Kelly and our friend, Alex, who we ran into
xx, Chrissy

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