Monday, December 9, 2013

Sunday Funday: Flea Market, Bob's + Griffith Park

A bonus of being a morning person: my kid wakes up at 6am (or before) - he has no concept of weekends. Therefore, we can start our day off early, just how I like!!

Chris nor I have ever been to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. On the second Sunday of each month they have a huge flea market. I always have forgotten about it (because who can keep track of the second flipping Sunday of the month?!), but Chris reminded me on Saturday so off we went! Funny fact, we had to travel over SEVEN freeways to get there: 90-405-10-110-5-2-134!

Cool admission tickets
We arrived around 9:30, parking is free but it was already crowded - get there early to get a good spot. And silly me, I though the market would be held on the stadium field. Haha...NO. In a circle around the outside of the stadium are vendors similar to those you would find at a swap meet selling good and products. And in a large parking lot section are the rows and rows are the other vendors who are selling the antiques and other typical flea market finds. Going to the market I had no real "shopping list" - I was just browsing. Although I was keeping my eye out for a good colorful train case (I have two or three already) and some old wooden soda crates. This place was overwhelming. We didn't even go down all the rows! I saw a few curiosities, but ended up not buying anything. I think next time we go, I'll be more prepared and will know what I'm looking for.

Empty field
"Hmmm...Which alligator head should I buy?"
This could fit on my balcony, right?

We left Pasadena around 11:30 and made our way back up the 134 to one of Chris' favorites: Bob's Big Boy for lunch in Burbank. This particular Bob's is the best because it's a historical landmark built in 1949. They do classic car shows every Friday (Jay Leno is a frequent guest), and celebrities are spotted there often. *A couple years ago we sat next to James Marsden and his kids. We've also sat at the "Beatles Booth" a number of times with my family. Chris loves this place because they serve a dish called chili spaghetti - which is simple enough: chili poured over spaghetti noodles. He also gets the deluxe version which adds a burger patty at the bottom of the bowl!

"Bob, meet Ollie. Ollie, Bob."
"One cheeseburger for me, please."

Stuffed, we were going to just head home, but I brought up the idea of going up to Griffith Observatory since it was a clear day and Chris had never been there.

We made a wrong turn on the 5 and stopped to get gas. Across the street I saw a cool building...turns out, it was the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office O_o (Photo credit)
The drive up is simple enough, be aware though that the parking lot is small. We had to find street parking on the hill and hike up. On weekends the place is overrun with Los Angelenos going on hikes through the trails near the observatory and of course, tourists. We took a ton of pictures! The view was great - you could see all the way to the Pacific Ocean and of course, the famed Hollywood sign. Admission is free to the museum, but we were really only on the inside to use the restrooms and the elevator up to the roof. Perhaps when Oliver is older, we'll take some time and actually look around the exhibits.

It was an unexpected excursion Sunday, but a fun one :)
xx, Chrissy

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