Friday, February 1, 2013

Hey, remember me??

Hi! So it's been a while...Walt Disney World was fun as usual. We have a ton of pictures but find me on Facebook to look through my album if you want to check them out please! I've been pretty sick since the beginning of December, complete with two ER trips :( I'm starting to feel much better and getting my asthma back under control. But I guess the main news (if you don't already know) is that I'm finally pregnant! It took a while, but after help from my OB-GYN and the right medications, it finally happened. Unfortunately I'm being considered a high-risk pregnancy but I've switched medical groups to UCLA and I'm having THE best care. I love my new doctors!! We're due at the end of July and I can't wait for this to be over, LOL! I wanted this for so long, but being pregnant and sick (and I don't mean morning sickness) totally sucks!! Chris has been so good to me during all of this, I have to say I was a little surprised hahaha...And of course Bruce is excited too! I don't have any baby bump pictures yet. I'm still at the stage where I just look extra fat (damn you skinny girls!!). And we'll know the sex of the baby pretty soon. There is no way I want that to be a secret, I don't know how some women don't want to know!! So that's it for now, I'll try to make another post somewhat soon :)
xx, Chrissy

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